Macropedia articles
Macropedia articles

The 2007 version of the Macropædia has 699 articles arranged in alphabetical order over 17 volumes the articles range in… … Wikipedia List of 2007 Macropædia articles - The Macropædia is the third part of the Encyclopædia Britannica the other two parts are the Micropædia and the Propædia. La Macropædia comporte 17 volumes, alors que la Micropædia a 12 volumes et la Propædia un volume unique … Wikipédia en Français Macropædia - La Macropædia est l une des trois parties de la 15e édition de l Encyclopædia Britannica, les deux autres étant la Micropædia et la Propædia. El nombre Macropædia es un neologismo acuñado por Mortimer J. Macropædia - Los 17 tomos de la Macropædia constituyen una de las partes de la Encyclopædia Britannica junto con los 12 volúmenes de la Micropædia y el índice de temas (Propædia). An example of the latter is the 1989 article on Adhesives, which had its own article of 7 pages in the 1989 "Macropædia" but was merely a page in a different article of the 1991 edition. New articles are constantly being added, whereas older articles are sometimes split, absorbed into other articles or drastically shortened, even deleted. Since its reorganization, the "Macropædia" has not remained constant. However, some parts of the "Macropædia" were written by the editorial staff of the "Britannica" such editorial articles are identified by the initials "Ed." The articles of the "Macropædia" are generally written by named contributors and have references, in contrast to the roughly 65,000 articles of the "Micropædia" that have no named contributor and no references. The longest article, on the United States, resulted from the merging of the 50 articles on each state. In the drastic reorganization of that edition in 1985, these articles were combined and condensed into 17 volumes with roughly 700 articles, ranging in length from 2-310 pages.

macropedia articles

The "Macropædia" was introduced in the 15th edition (1974) with 19 volumes having 4,207 articles. Adler's intention that the "Macropædia" serve students who wish to learn a field in depth for comparison, the short articles of the "Micropædia" are intended for quick fact-checking. Adler from the ancient Greek words for "large" and "instruction" the best English translation is perhaps "Full instruction". The name "Macropædia" is a neologism coined by Mortimer J. The 17-volume "Macropædia" is the third part of the " Encyclopædia Britannica" the other two parts are the 12-volume " Micropædia" and the 1-volume " Propædia".

Macropedia articles